Global Ambassadors
2021 - 2022 CSU Study Abroad Global Ambassadors
Meet the Columbus State Global Ambassadors. These students were chosen to share their study abroad experiences across campus. If you are interested in a program, or just want to talk with a student who has gone through the process of studying abroad, they are happy to assist you! Stop by during their walk-in advising hours at the Center for Global Engagement on main campus, or send them an email.
Interested in becoming a Global Ambassador? Contact the Coordinator of International Education for more details.
Fall 2021
Name: Morgan Wilson
CSU Email:
Areas of study: Psychology and Chemistry
Year/ Classification: Senior
Countries visited (including non-study abroad): Japan and Mexico
Study Abroad Program Name Term: Maymester 2018 Art in Japan and Summer 2021 TESOL in South Korea (VIRTUAL)
Favorite study abroad memory: Following a cat around the Tsukiji Fish Market (the world's largest fish market) with my classmates.
Favorite travel or internationally theme quote: "I am not the same, having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world"- Mary Anne Radmacher
Best advice to your classmate who wants to study abroad: Go outside of your comfort zone and be adventurous. The world is too vast and beautiful for you to stay in one place.
Spring 2021

Name: Bria Pugh
CSU Email:
Areas of study: Business Entrepreneurship
Year/Classification: Senior - Class of 2021
Countries visited (including non-study abroad): Italy, Ecuador, New Zealand
Study Abroad Program Name & Term: CSU In Italy: Summer 2018 & Spring Semester 2020 Direct Enrollment in New Zealand
Favorite study abroad memory: After a weekend trip to Rome my roommates and I returned to Florence and it was the best feeling because we felt like we were back home. At that moment I knew that Florence, Italy was my absolute favorite and it now holds a special place in my heart. We all danced to the live music playing in the street, got gelato, slid down a 60ft slide with a plant that we transferred our emotions to, went to our favorite American diner for dinner, and enjoyed a fun night out celebrating Italy’s Republic Day. The group I went abroad with at CSU was honestly the best part and made my favorite memories priceless.
Favorite travel or internationally themed quote: “The world is a book & those who do not travel read only a page”
Best advice to your classmate who wants to study abroad: This is the best opportunity so go, enjoy every moment, and be adventurous because you don’t want to look back at your time abroad and regret not doing something
Name: Heidi Parsons
CSU Email:
Areas of study: Criminal Justice
Year/Classification: Junior
Countries visited (including non-study abroad): England, Germany
Study Abroad Program Name & Term: The Swinging 60s: Oxford Summer Session 3
Favorite study abroad memory: There are so many favorite memories, I don’t even know where to begin. However, getting to go to Stonehenge with people that I would call family was a life changing experience. Also, getting to lay back and watch Salisbury Cathedral after a Sunday Roast. Getting to walk across Abbey Road and go to Liverpool made me feel like I was living the true Beatles dream.
Favorite travel or internationally themed quote: “Oh, the places you’ll go!” -Dr. Seuss
Best advice to your classmate who wants to study abroad: Put all your financial worries away. If it is truly meant to happen it will all align and whatever you do, even when it gets hard. Do not give up on your traveling dreams
Name: Wendy Ramirez Mayen
CSU Email:
Areas of study: Biology
Countries visited (including non-study abroad): South Korea, El Salvador
Study Abroad Program Name & Term: Semester Abroad in Korea: HUFS, Fall 2019
Favorite study abroad memory: When my group of friends would all go to the train station together late at night to go enjoy the nightlife in Seoul. The rain ride with others will always be memorable.
Favorite travel or internationally themed quote: "Be the change you wish to see in the world" - Gandhi
CSU Email:
Areas of study: Business Entrepreneurship
Year/Classification: Senior - Class of 2021
Countries visited (including non-study abroad): Italy, Ecuador, New Zealand
Study Abroad Program Name & Term: CSU In Italy: Summer 2018 & Spring Semester 2020 Direct Enrollment in New Zealand
Favorite study abroad memory: After a weekend trip to Rome my roommates and I returned to Florence and it was the best feeling because we felt like we were back home. At that moment I knew that Florence, Italy was my absolute favorite and it now holds a special place in my heart. We all danced to the live music playing in the street, got gelato, slid down a 60ft slide with a plant that we transferred our emotions to, went to our favorite American diner for dinner, and enjoyed a fun night out celebrating Italy’s Republic Day. The group I went abroad with at CSU was honestly the best part and made my favorite memories priceless.
Favorite travel or internationally themed quote: “The world is a book & those who do not travel read only a page”
Best advice to your classmate who wants to study abroad: This is the best opportunity so go, enjoy every moment, and be adventurous because you don’t want to look back at your time abroad and regret not doing something
CSU Email:
Areas of study: Criminal Justice
Year/Classification: Junior
Countries visited (including non-study abroad): England, Germany
Study Abroad Program Name & Term: The Swinging 60s: Oxford Summer Session 3
Favorite study abroad memory: There are so many favorite memories, I don’t even know where to begin. However, getting to go to Stonehenge with people that I would call family was a life changing experience. Also, getting to lay back and watch Salisbury Cathedral after a Sunday Roast. Getting to walk across Abbey Road and go to Liverpool made me feel like I was living the true Beatles dream.
Favorite travel or internationally themed quote: “Oh, the places you’ll go!” -Dr. Seuss
Best advice to your classmate who wants to study abroad: Put all your financial worries away. If it is truly meant to happen it will all align and whatever you do, even when it gets hard. Do not give up on your traveling dreams
CSU Email:
Areas of study: Biology
Countries visited (including non-study abroad): South Korea, El Salvador
Study Abroad Program Name & Term: Semester Abroad in Korea: HUFS, Fall 2019
Favorite study abroad memory: When my group of friends would all go to the train station together late at night to go enjoy the nightlife in Seoul. The rain ride with others will always be memorable.
Favorite travel or internationally themed quote: "Be the change you wish to see in the world" - Gandhi
Fall 2020
Name: Jordan Lyons
CSU Email:
Areas of study: Chemistry
Year/Classification: Senior
Countries visited (including non-study abroad): Ethiopia
Study Abroad Program Name & Term: CSU in Ethiopia (Chemistry/Environmental Science), J-Term 2020
Favorite study abroad memory: Underground Ethiopian Church
Favorite travel or internationally themed quote: "A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step" - Lao Tzu
Best advice to your classmate who wants to study abroad: Buy more gifts for your parents than you think you need to!
Name: Sophia Brown
CSU Email:
Areas of study: History
Year/Classification: Senior
Countries visited (including non-study abroad): Korea, Mexico, England, France, Thailand, Scotland
Study Abroad Program Name & Term: Summer Spanish Immersion in Cuernavaca, Mexico, “Swinging Sixties” Summer 2019
Favorite study abroad memory: drinking espresso in the National Museum of Scotland while listening to “Looking for America” by Lana Del Rey
Favorite travel or internationally themed quote: “just do it” - Shia Lebeouf
Best advice to your classmate who wants to study abroad: Start. Pick a program out right now, fill out the form, and commit to it.
Name: William Harper
CSU Email:
Areas of study: Business, Finance and International Studies Certificate
Year/Classification: Fall 2020 Senior
Countries visited (including non-study abroad): Japan and Ireland
Study Abroad Program Name & Term: CSU Business in Dublin, Ireland, Maymester 2018, CSU Business in Tokyo, Japan, Maymester 2019
Favorite study abroad memory: Learning how to live as a local in Tokyo by staying with a family that taught me how to commute, shop, and communicate with other locals for when I get lost.
Favorite travel or internationally themed quote: “Not all classrooms have four walls.”
Best advice to your classmate who wants to study abroad: If you have butterflies when thinking about this, then do it! The best stories always start with butterflies!
Name: Kendra Henthorn
CSU Email:
Areas of study: Business & Biology
Year/Classification: Senior
Countries visited (including non-study abroad): Ireland, and Northern Ireland, and the Bahamas
Study Abroad Program Name & Term: Ecology of Andros, Spring Break 2018; Comparative Business in Ireland, Maymester 2019
Favorite study abroad memory: Snorkeling in the reefs around Andros Island and seeing a shark and a stingray up close in the reef.
Favorite travel or internationally themed quote: “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone” -Unknown
Best advice to your classmate who wants to study abroad: Study abroad while you can, in college, while you have resources that can help fund your program AND get you credits toward your degree!